Medikabazaar (Boston Ivy Healthcare Solutions PL) – a BII Investment
- Improve Accessibility of products & services to smallest facilities at remotest locations in India
- Improve Availability of 1Mn+ SKUs across multiple categories
- Improve Affordability by lowering cost through aggregation
- Improve Awareness in Rural India
- E-Commerce Driven Medical Supplies of ~1Mn SKUs to 20,000+ pincodes
- AI-ML Driven SaaS Solution (VIZI) & Managed Inventory Service(VPO) for Procurement
- MBARC App for Equipment Lifecycle Management
- Hybrid Business Model with Owned Inventory & Marketplace offering
- 15,000+ MSME Sellers on Platform
- 40+ Warehouses across India for reach & timely supplies
- Dedicated Financing Platform for Customers & Sellers
- More than 50% of MB’s Customers, Orders & GMV are from Tier 2,3,4 Towns
- 80%+ MB’s Customers are small/micro hospitals(<30/<10 beds),standalone clinics, CSR, etc.
- Tied up With Govt. of India(GOI) to deliver Healthcare to Rural India through 250,000+ Common Service Centres (delivery point of various e-services to Rural India)
- During Covid MB connected donors to medical facilities & NGOs struggling to get aid. MB collected money,delivered and installed O2 Concetrators & Supply Systems, Ventilators, BiPaPs, etc.
- MB supplied 5000+ O2 Concentrators to GOI & Increased bed capacity at various Covid centres within record TAT
- Introduced innovative products as Vaccicool(last mile cold chain delivery solution) & Purashield (for removal of virus & microbes from air)
- 50+ Hospitals avail VPO offering leading to demand consolidation & reduced pricing
- MB chosen by World Bank & GOI to provide affordable supplies in remote areas of Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir
- MB runs regular podcasts & Blogs on Youtube, Spotify, Google & its own platforms respectively having interviews & posts by experts about details on ailments, treatments & products
- Increasing energy efficiency by adopting e-bikes(delivery) & LED Bulbs(lighting) as per IFC standards on resource efficiency
- Adopted resuable packaging materials to lower environmental impact
- Regular check ups, health camps & training for employees’ safety & well being
- Certified as Great Place to Work (2022)
- Business Integrity Goals & Suppliers Code of Conduct put in place
- 65x: Monthly GMV
- 30X: Orders per month
- 17x: Monthly Transacting Customers
- 20x: Supplier Partners
- Frost & Sullivan 2022 Indian B2B Healthcare eCommerce Entrepreneurial Company of the Year
- The Economic Times Healthworld Award of Excellence in Healthcare Supply Chain & Logistics
- FICCI Healthcare Excellence Awards 2022
- Financial Express – Best Hospital Technology Provider Award 2022
- IHW Digital Solutions for Rural Healthcare Award