
Written evidence submitted by a member of the public


Childcare Entitlements     

Many young people take up nursery positions with qualifications but not enough experience, lacking patients, understanding, compassion and respect.  Many Room leaders/managers want to ‘control’ staff through micromanaging, this creates a hostile working environment regardless of children being present, staff are affected by the way they are treated, and this can have a ripple effect, reflected in how they snap at the children.  


On the other hand, you may have too many ‘Queen bees’ where staff have become too complacent that pay no attention to their room leaders, doing as they please, eventually leading to high staff turnovers when senior management don’t support their room leaders.  (Without staff a nursery would not be able to meet the ratio, whereas one room leader can be replaced)   


Maths GCE should not be a requirement in an early year’s qualification, it does not serve any purpose in early childhood development.  There are many mothers who are prevented from joining the childcare profession, even though they have compassion and communication skills which would make then an asset in this field.   





January 2023