Written evidence Supplied By Martin Turver (DTY0009)
I have available, copies of electronic correspondence that I have had with various parties regarding the desperate situation in which we find ourselves. If of interest, I would hope that this correspondence may go some way towards clarifying the severity of the situation, as seen from the perspective of the general public. It may also go some way towards highlighting the fear that is being felt because of the inability to get treatment (as with the fear of catching Covid-19, felt during the early months of Covid-19) and the frustration being experienced by the lack of response from relevant authorities. Please let me know if you would like submission of this information, referenced on the next page?
In addition, please allow me to correct your statement of 8 December 2022 … it is not only that “practices across the UK were not accepting new adult NHS patients” … but also that “practices across the UK are refusing to treat existing NHS patients”.
In respect of the points suggested in the “Terms of reference” of the “Call For Evidence” by this committee, I would offer the following: -
- It is difficult to understand why an NHS dental practice has to be funded so differently to an NHS GP practice?
- How can we be expected to suggest improvements to the NHS Dental Contract without having sight of the actual contract and, would such a contract be required if NHS dentists were paid in a similar manner to GP’s?
- From a social perspective, is it possible for us to see a breakdown, by district, of the number of NHS dentists vs. district population … both now and in 2001? This may go some way to identifying where the permitted increase in housing and population over the last 20 years, without an associated increase in services and utilities, may be a major factor in the problem.
- The following statement may be against rules of discrimination, woke (whatever that may be?), etc. but the sentiment can only be expressed in this form …
“Whilst this committee is in progress and a solution is being formulated, all financially deprived citizens must somehow be given immediate funding to enable urgent dental treatment to be undertaken by a private dentist. This may go some way to placate the anger currently being felt because non-citizens, criminals, etc. appear to be being afforded a better and free dental service than your own, law-abiding citizens.”
- The indication that “free NHS dental treatment” is available for holders of an HC2 Certificate must be retracted and removed from the certificate immediately. There is no NHS dentist availability in many areas, thereby completely undermining any attempt at issuing a voucher to supposedly afford free dental treatment to those in most financial need.
Perhaps this very vehicle could be utilised to implement the previous suggestion?
Trail of electronic correspondence
E-Mail NHS Dentist 01 attempted contact with MP, local council & NHS Complaints
… with attached NHS Dentist 01
E-Mail NHS Dentist 02 response from NHS Complaints
… with attached NHS Dentist 02 MT response
E-Mail NHS Dentist 03 no response from any party so further attempt at correspondence from MT
… with attached NHS Dentist 03
E-Mail NHS Dentist 04 attempted escalation to Maria Caulfield
… with attached NHS Dentist 04
E-Mail NHS Dentist 05 response from C McManus
… with attached NHS Dentist 05 last correspondence issued by MT
E-Mail NHS Dentist 05a referenced E-Mail from regular dentist practice
E-Mail NHS Dentist 06 attempted contact with BBC regarding a horrific local news report suggesting that migrants & refugees are already being afforded NHS dental services when local residents have none
E-Mail NHS Dentist 06a further attempt at contact with the BBC
E-Mail NHS Dentist 07 response from NHS Complaints, coinciding with the announcement of this initiative / committee
… with attached NHS Dentist 07
Jan 2023