The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice and Deputy Prime Minister, Ministry of Justice – written evidence (RLC0021)


House of Lords Constitution Committee inquiry into the Role of the Lord Chancellor and the Law Officers


  1. Former Lord Chancellor Sir Robert Buckland said that he was considering reforming the role of Lord Chancellor. Do you consider the role in need of reform?




  1. How would you define the “rule of law” and, as Lord Chancellor, how do you interpret your constitutional relationship to it as set out in section 1 of the Constitutional Reform Act and your duty under your oath to “respect” it?



(a) Does your role include a duty to ensure the rule of law is upheld across Government? Would you support the oath being updated to include a commitment to respect and uphold the rule of law?




(b) What role do the Law Officers play in assisting you in respect of the rule of law?



(c)  Does your duty to respect the rule of law, and the requirement of the Ministerial Code to comply with the law, extend to international law?



(d) How should Parliamentary sovereignty be balanced with the rule of law in respect of international obligations?





(e) Is the Ministerial Code effective in ensuring ministerial compliance with international law and treaty obligations? Could anything be done to strengthen the Code?



  1. How, in practice, do you fulfil your duty to uphold and defend the independence of the judiciary?



(a) During your time as Lord Chancellor what role have you played in the judicial appointments process? Are there any plans to enhance or alter the Lord Chancellor’s role?



(b) What is your constitutional relationship with the Lord Chief Justice? How often have you spoken? What sort of things have you discussed?





  1. What is your experience of occupying the role of Lord Chancellor alongside that of Secretary of State for Justice and Deputy Prime Minister?



  1. How do you balance discharging your constitutional responsibilities as Lord Chancellor with holding the role of Secretary of State of a major spending department?



  1. Have you found your legal background helpful in fulfilling your role as Lord Chancellor? If so, how?




30 November 2022