Written evidence submitted by National Sikh Police Association (POP0077)
1. What a modern police service, fit for the 2020s and beyond, looks like;
1. Evolving priorities and ever complex demands mean that the modern police should be a well-integrated service that is able to respond to many challenges, some of which transcend force boundaries and borders. Though some greater centralisation and pooling of resources can aid efficiency in policing, the service needs to be in touch with the diverse communities it serves and in doing so, valuing the importance of local and intelligence led policing. It is an operational imperative for the service to be as representative as it can be, across all ranks and roles, of the communities they serve. Having a representative workforce helps the service to better engage with its communities and have a clearer understanding of cultural traits, whilst encouraging recruitment from underrepresented communities and building trust and legitimacy. Having greater representation across all police specialisms and at higher ranks demonstrates the opportunity of progression within the service, encouraging members of underrepresented groups to apply. The need to understand community concerns and community traits should not be consigned to police leaders and local neighbourhood teams, but knowledge and learning that is shared across the breadth of members of police organisations. Staff networks and national staff associations have a key role to play in helping police leaders to understand issues which affect their members and communities. Networks and staff associations should be supported and approached where their advice and counsel are sought.
2. In doing so, the police can better serve diverse communities and encourage recruitment from underrepresented groups. Police forces can also respond to community concerns more efficiently by using the knowledge and skills of the people who make up those police organisations, staff networks as well as key community stakeholders.
November 2022