Written evidence submitted by Dr Lamprini Papafoti (SDV0037)

Please find below evidence to your inquiry on self-driving vehicles. In 2021, I completed a PhD at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, entitled “Automated vehicles and future transport inequalities in the UK. Exploring the potential accessibility implications for older people”. My submission mainly addresses the following topic of interest to the Transport Committee, specifically from the perspective of older people:

My submission is based on my PhD thesis and, specifically, on the findings from twenty-four qualitative interviews with older people living and/or working in Greater Manchester.

The qualitative interviews were carried out in 2019 and they involved a diverse group of people aged between 55 and 86. They explored older adults’ perceptions of self-driving vehicles and their willingness to use different types of self-driving vehicles and services. The following scenarios of self-driving vehicles and services were presented to interviewees:

Some key findings from the interviews were:

Key issues that need to be considered in the development of self-driving vehicles and services for older people based on the findings from these interviews:

Finally, the interviews revealed further concerns of older people about the self-driving technology regardless of the service or use case:


August 2022