Department for Transport ZAS0073
Department for Transport ZAS0073
Additional written evidence submitted by the Department for Transport
18 July 2022
Dear Philip,
Further to my letter of 27 May 2022 with regard to your inquiry into net zero aviation and shipping, I would also like inform you about a small clarification to the evidence which I provided to the oral hearing on 18 May 2022.
I have now had the opportunity to review the transcript and I realise that one of the points I made whilst giving evidence might be construed as being misleading. In reply to a question (Q414) from Jerome Mayhew MP about the need for effective and accurate monitoring of emissions, I indicated that no other country has a clean maritime plan.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has been encouraging States to develop their own national emissions plans and the UK, along with Norway, were the first countries to publish such plans in 2019. Since then, however, Finland, India, Japan, the Marshall Islands and Singapore have also published national action plans. So, whilst the UK is certainly a leading maritime nation in terms of ambition and the way that we monitor and regulate emissions, there are other countries which have now published documents which might be considered as broadly equivalent.
Copies of these national action plans can be found under the Marine Environment section of the IMO website. I am sending a copy of this letter to the libraries in both Houses.
Yours sincerely,
July 2022