Written evidence submitted by Samantha Thompson (MiM0018)
One example: I started working in the music industry when I was 17 (too young for this industry) as Live music agent until mid 30’s as Head of Music/Senior Agent, William Morris Endeavor, London, when my career was abruptly ended having reported a male executive for harassing/bullying/threatening behaviour. I endured 6 months of further harassment by WME’s HR department and then the inevitable ‘Constructive Dismissal’ process found them guilty of unlawful behaviour. The result being, they had to pay me off, yet I, the victim, lost my career. As a women in her mid 30’s.
The abuser was “taken under the wing” of William Morris Endeavor’s Chairman, Patrick Whitesell, and given a long-term contract.
A company rife with sexual abuse/abuse of power by male LA based agents.
My career in the music industry started at 17. My then boss thought it was perfectly acceptable to publicly refer to me as “slave” and “skivvy”. No male employee received such treatment.
Nb. I noticed that you are asking if this has been published elsewhere. I’ve spoken about it regularly to try to prevent the situation happening again.
I don’t mind if my experienced is published, I want to help others. But publishing names will prevent the majority speaking. Because they will lose their jobs.
July 2022