Written evidence submitted by Webb (MiM0015)
Hi ! I’m 25, and I’ve worked in music for the last 10 years, in various record shops, record labels, with promotions companies.
What types of support exists for women experiencing sexism or misogyny in the music industry? How can they report problems or abuse?
This is a really interesting question because I don’t think there is any support. Perhaps in a larger company with non-male-leaders, but its the music industry, so most of them are male.
As women, we have the stereotype placed on us for being fussy, loud, and bossy. If we call something out or complain, we just completely fulfil that stereotype, theres literally no winning. Every single time that I’ve called people out for being sexist, it hasn’t helped me at all. Nobody has apologised or noticed that I’m right, and acted correctly afterwards. It has made people see me in a worse light, and see me as the bossy one or one who doesn’t get along with people. I always stand my own ground though, but I really don’t blame those who don’t, as it doesn’t get you anywhere.
• How safe do women and girls feel at live music concerts and festivals?
I don’t feel safe. Gigs are better than festivals as theres more security / generally a less alcohol-driven crowd, but this doesn’t stop men being creepy. I’ve been harassed at shows, spiked at festivals, and only have my friends to thank for getting me out of these situations. But it would be lovely to feel safe going to a festival by myself.
• What expectations are there on women working in the music industry compared to men?
So much more. We have to be more professional, more understanding, more knowledgable, more assertive.
I think as women, theres a really fine line that you have to walk, from being nice but not too nice (because they’ll think you’re flirting), kind but not too kind, strict but also not bossy, knowledgable but not too knowledgable (otherwise other people will worry), and most importantly of all, look the part. We can’t have a bad day, or complain, as we should always be the happy helpful lady doing her best!
• What steps should the Government and other industry bodies take to tackle misogynistic and sexist attitudes towards women in music?
Have workshops about this! Talk to men!
So many guys I went to university with didn’t… think…. Sexism…. Existed anymore!? If there were workshops about this, then maybe they would understand.
I genuinely don’t think a lot of these guys are being malicious about it, but they just don’t know. It’s inbuilt and its been inbuilt for so long!
The guys need to be taught to call people out on misogny - how to recognise it, how to call it out and what to say!
July 2022