Written evidence submitted by anonymous [NDS0009]
How effectively is the Government communicating with disabled people and involving them in the implementation and further development of the strategy?
What progress has been made on the Disability Unit’s review into the way the Government engages with disabled people?
I don’t know if it is that effective because there is not many ways to contact them.
Are there any specific groups that will be supported well, or supported badly, by the strategy?
Physical disabled people will be supported well because of improving building facilities
Neurodiverse people may not be supported well if the strategy is going to make it harder for people to be themselves and embrace being different. Disabilities that effect people to be different, have personalities that may not be common or normal for their age will be effected badly if the strategy is about trying make people be like everyone else or tell someone how they should live their life according to their age or try to be like regular people.
How will the National Disability Strategy support people with learning disabilities and autism into work and help them to progress in work?
Not sure. Unless it gives awareness about people with disabilities.
What more could the Government do to deliver for disabled people who are further away from the job market?
More Age mixing and integration- particularly ages 16 to105+. When your at school, your mixing with people of similar ages to you but when your at work, there are people of all different ages ranging from 18-65+ and there is no preparation for this or people lack experience of working with people of different ages which can make transition into work awkward. We feel allowing younger age groups more opportunities to mix, socialise and work with people of all different ages can give some valuable experience that can prepare them better for work where they need to get on and work with all ages. This could be delivered through having more community groups and activities and sport and community enrichment where adults of all ages join as participants with young people so they are equals and build confidence- stereotyping older age groups as leaders or instructors is not good
More community enrichment for adults of all ages. (Don’t just restrict it to young people).
Adults of all ages need to access more activities, award schemes, sports and recreational opportunities in the wider community with young people (at least 16+). It will help give younger people more experience of mixing with different ages and able to demonstrate they have worked and can get on with all age groups and it is good for the adults to do other things outside work and explore other areas to give them more skills and experience to get job or to try different types of job and to join as a participant rather than as a staff so all ages can be treated as equals. Examples of community enrichment activities can include Theatre groups, sports, equestrian clubs, award schemes, scouts, team building, community projects etc.
We also feel job fairs and events can help- but currently most of these events seems to only be available to under 25s.
How should the needs of disabled people be reflected in the post-pandemic recovery and other flagship Government policies such as Levelling-up?
Amending the equality act and some exceptions.
Tackling loneliness.
Encouraging more disabled people to mix with non-disabled people.
July 2022