Written Evidence Submitted by the UK Committee on Research Integrity (UKCORI)



Further to our last correspondence, we are writing to update you on the committee’s progress now that we have had our inaugural meeting. The first meeting of the UK Committee on Research Integrity (UK CORI) took place on Friday 20th May 2022. The majority of our first meeting was a workshop, for us as a committee (2 co-chairs and 8 members) to get a common understanding of the research integrity environment, and to start to map out common objectives and purpose. We shared our ambitions for the work of UK CORI, and what we would contribute to that work.


UK CORI will be working collaboratively across the sector, and will seek external input into its meetings so that we can develop a good understanding of the issues and solutions. We were grateful for presentations by James Parry of UKRIO and Brigid Feeny of BEIS. The committee will continue to invite contributions from both within the UK and internationally. In addition, UK CORI will develop a communications and engagement strategy, to enable us to hear from the wide variety of stakeholders.


As a committee we also reviewed our terms of reference and ways of working. The committee suggested some amendments to the draft terms of reference, much of which relate to points of clarification. For your records, we share the draft terms of reference that were reviewed at the meeting (Annex 1) to illustrate the committee’s remit and priorities. One of the features of UK CORI is that all committee members will be actively involved in the work, leading workstreams with embedded evaluation. We are currently looking to identify and prioritise workstreams, working in areas that will have an immediate impact as well as on long term projects.


Professor Rachael Gooberman-Hill              Professor Andrew George, MBE Co-chair              Co-chair

UK Committee on Research Integrity              UK Committee on Research Integrity




Annex 1: Draft committee terms of reference

1.                   Purpose

1.1.             The following draft terms of reference were agreed by the UKRI Board in 2021 when approving the creation of UK CORI. UK CORI should review, revise and agree the terms of reference within its first two meetings.


2.                   Background and context

2.1.             The principles of research integrity and goals to maintain, support and achieve high integrity are an essential component of the UK research system. Although this committee is being established by UKRI on behalf of the community, ownership ultimately resides with everyone working in and associated with the research system. The Terms of Reference reflect that imperative and set out that achieving co-ownership is an integral part of the committee’s work.


3.                   Purpose of the committee

3.1.             The Committee on Research Integrity has formal responsibility for promoting research integrity across the UK and building consensus and co-ownership across the sector.

3.2.             The committee will work with the sector to:

3.3.             The committee will comprise independently appointed leading experts, drawn from a range of research disciplines, types of research organisations and career stages.


4.                   Overall responsibilities of the committee

General responsibilities

4.1.             The committee will:

issues across all disciplines and career stages.




projects and embed these considerations throughout its workplan. Measures will be monitored to assess their effectiveness and to inform further action as required.

the UK and international audiences understand its role. This will ensure the committee develops high prestige within the research community, builds our international reputation and promotes international collaboration.


Specific remit

4.2.                  The committee will:




Support Research Integrity.


5.                   Membership

5.1.             The membership of the committeeis:

5.2.             The members are appointed through an open and transparent recruitment process on the advice of the hiring panel and in agreement with the co- chairs. Members will typically serve a three-year term, with the possibility of renewal for a second term. The maximum term a member can serve is six years.

5.3.             Membership of the committee will comprise individuals from across the research sector, selected according to their quality, commitment and expertise.

Membership will be selected through a transparent process with attention placed on diversity, including but not limited to discipline, geography, expertise, legally protected characteristics and career stage.

5.4.             Membership will be appropriately balanced, reflecting the committee’s strong commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion principles.

5.5.             All members must declare any actual, perceived, or potential conflicts of interest and act in line with UKRI’s Conflicts of Interest Policy.

5.6.             All members must uphold the seven principles of public life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership.


6.                   Meetings and attendance

6.1.             The committee will meet a minimum of four times a year. Ad hoc meetings may be called by the co-chairs.

6.2.                  Observers and guests can be invited to attend meetings, or for specific agenda items, at the discretion of the co-chairs.



6.3.                  The quorum for a committee meeting is at least two thirds the number




of its members, one of whom must be a co-chair or an appointed deputy. Members can be deemed to be in attendance via live tele or video conferencing as appropriate. Attendance at meetings cannot be delegated.

6.4.                  If a meeting is not quorate, its proceedings will not have any effect and the meeting will be rescheduled.



6.5.                  The committee reports directly to the UKRI Chief Executive on its overall strategy and workplan. The co-chairs provide an annual update to the UKRI Chief Executive on delivery against its workplan.

6.6.                  Any disputes of the committee should be resolved through the appropriate escalation routes.


Committee secretariat

6.7.                  The committee will be supported by a secretariat provided by UKRI.

6.8.                  The secretariat is responsible for arranging meetings and ensuring accurate meeting minutes are taken. Draft meeting minutes will be shared in advance of the next meeting and approved by the committee at that meeting.

6.9.                  Meeting agendas and minutes will be shared with the committee and published on the UKRI website.


Review of the Terms of Reference

6.10.              This document will be reviewed on an annual basis by the committee and signed off by the UKRI Chief Executive.




(May 2022)