Supplementary written evidence submitted by Dr Wen Wang (RTR0146)


Our evidence shows that personally experiencing discrimination from managers or colleagues increase 48% sentiment to resign among BAME health workers. This is worrying given the current staff shortage crisis in NHS and a global shortage in nurses (10.6 million in the next 10 years) and doctors, we may lose these talents (42% doctors and 20% nurses in NHS are from the BAME group). 2) It can infest external discrimination from the patients/relatives and the public (the correlation is 31%) as well as intensify burnout of BAME health workers.



One thing I would recommend is to shift culture starting from better using NHS space (physical and virtual space). ‘Inclusivity on the Wall’- posters of local heroes (nurses, cleaners and doctors from different ethnic groups working together) to provide NHS service.  Video clips to tell positive stories of local NHS trust including staff from all ethnic background (using BAME actor’s voice, being authentic), other information includes (the number of doctors who help you today, photos, etc.) this can help to manage patients’ expectation (waiting time, who they get to see, etc.).


For the first R, I have also developed a ‘PAST’ code to help making racial discrimination a history.

March 2022