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Renewable energy in Wales


We will look at how the UK Government, in cooperation with Welsh Ministers, can best support the development of renewable energy in Wales. This will include the potential significance of COP26 for Wales.

Read the inquiry launch and terms of reference

Work news

Y Llywodraeth yn rhoi sicrwydd i ASau o’i chefnogaeth barhaus i ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru
Pwyllgor Materion Cymru yn cyhoeddi adroddiad Ymateb y Llywodraeth i ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru
26 October 2021
Government reassures MPs of its continued support for renewable energy in Wales
Welsh Affairs Committee publish Government Response to Renewable energy in Wales report
26 October 2021
Barriers holding back renewable energy in Wales must be urgently overcome
Welsh Affairs Committee publishes report on Renewable energy in Wales
29 July 2021
Rhaid goresgyn rhwystrau sy'n dal ynni adnewyddadwy yn ôl yng Nghymru ar frys
Pwyllgor Materion Cymru yn cyhoeddi adroddiad ar ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru
29 July 2021
Ministers set for questions on renewables in Wales
The Welsh Affairs Committee examines support for the development of the renewable energy industry in Wales
26 April 2021
Gweinidogion i dderbyn cwestiynau ar ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru
Mae Pwyllgor Materion Cymru yn archwilio cefnogaeth i ddatblygiad y diwydiant ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru
26 April 2021
Sut y gall llywodraethau'r DU a Chymru annog buddsoddi mewn prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru?
Sut y gall llywodraethau'r DU a Chymru annog buddsoddi mewn prosiectau ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru?
13 April 2021
How can the UK and Welsh governments stimulate investment in renewable energy projects in Wales?
Welsh Affairs Committee hears from Renewable energy experts on the effectiveness of government subsidy schemes
13 April 2021
Ynni gwyrdd yng Nghymru: Cyfleoedd a rhwystrau
Bydd y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig yn holi ystod eang o randdeiliaid ym maes datblygu ynni adnewyddadwy mewn sesiwn dystiolaeth ddydd Iau, wrth iddo barhau gyda’i ymchwiliad i ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru.
15 March 2021
Green energy in Wales: Opportunities and barriers
The Welsh Affairs Committee will hear from stakeholders in renewable energy development as it continues its inquiry into renewable energy in Wales.
15 March 2021
Beth yw’r cyfleoedd i Gymru ym maes ynni adnewyddadwy?
Committee to question representatives of the renewable energy sector on the low-carbon power generation opportunities in Wales
2 March 2021
What are Wales’ renewable energy opportunities?
Committee to question representatives of the renewable energy sector on the low-carbon power generation opportunities in Wales
2 March 2021
Sut y gall Cymru elwa ar y chwyldro gwyrdd?
Pwyllgor Materion Cymru yn ystyried cyfleoedd ar gyfer datblygu ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru
25 January 2021
How can Wales benefit from the green revolution?
Welsh Affairs Committee considers opportunities for renewable energy development in Wales
25 January 2021
Total results 14 (page 1 of 1)

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