Upcoming events
No upcoming events scheduled
Past events
- Becca Stacey (Senior Research Officer at Money and Mental Health Policy Institute)
- Ruth Wakeman (Director of Services, Advocacy and Evidence at Crohn's and Colitis UK)
- Ceri Smith (Head of Policy and Evidence at MS Society)
- Russell Fleming (Head of Communications at ME Association)
- Georgia Harper (Policy Manager at Autistica)
- Alison Thwaite (WorkFit Employment Development Manager at Down’s Syndrome Association)
- Evan John (Policy and Public Affairs Adviser at Sense)
- Laura Davis (Chief Executive Officer at British Association of Supported Employment)
- Nic Murray (Policy Manager at Leonard Cheshire)
- Professor Kim Hoque (Co-Founder at Disability@Work)
- Professor Helen Lawton Smith (Professor of Entrepreneurship at Birkbeck, University of London)
- Dr Christine Grant (Associate Professor (Research), Centre for Healthcare and Communities at Coventry University)
- Professor Ian Burn (Professor of Economics at University of Liverpool)
- Jacqueline Winstanley (Chief Executive Officer at Universal Inclusion)
Contact us
We can’t usually help you with an individual problem or a specific complaint.
- Email: workpencom@parliament.uk
- Phone: 020 7219 8976 | 020 7219 1679 (Media)
- Address: Work and Pensions Committee | House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA