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NHS leadership, performance and patient safety


The Committee is examining the relationship between leadership in the NHS and performance/productivity as well as patient safety. It will consider the findings of and implementation of recent reviews of NHS leadership, such as the Messenger (2022) and Kark (2019) reviews as they relate to patient safety, as well as topics including how effectively leadership supports whistleblowers and learning from patient safety issues.

The Committee’s Expert Panel is also doing work in this area, which will help to inform the Committee’s inquiry.[1]

The Committee invites written submissions addressing any, or all, of the following points, but please note that the Committee does not investigate individual cases and will not be pursuing matters on behalf of individuals.


[1] Expert Panel: Evaluation of Government’s progress on meeting patient safety recommendations - Committees - UK Parliament


This inquiry is no longer accepting evidence

The deadline for submissions was Friday 8 March 2024.

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