Upcoming events
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Past events
- Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP (Minister of State for Schools at Department for Education)
- Sue Lovelock (Director of Teaching Workforce: Candidates, Trainees, Strategy, Portfolio and Analysis at Department for Education)
- Philip Nye (Data Scientist at Institute for Government)
- Katie Waldegrave, MBE (Co-founder and CEO at Now Teach)
- Dr Luke Sibieta (Research Fellow at Institute for Fiscal Studies)
- Sinéad Mc Brearty (Chief Executive Officer at Education Support)
- Jack Worth (School Workforce Lead at NFER)
- Professor Becky Francis CBE (CEO at Education Endowment Foundation)
- Professor Becky Allen (Chief Analyst and a Co-founder at Teach Tapp)
- Rene Koglbauer (Chair of Board of Trustees at Association for Language Learning)
- Professor Paul Glaister CBE (Immediate Past Chair at Joint Mathematical Council of the UK)
- Deborah Weston OBE (Research Officer at National Association of Teachers of Religious Education)
- Ryan Ball (Director of Education at Design and Technology Association)
- Hari Rentala (Head of Learning and Skills at Institute of Physics)
- Russell Hobby (CEO at Teach First)
- Melanie Renowden (CEO at National Institute of Teaching)
- Dr Annabel Watson (Associate Professor in Language Education at University of Exeter)
- Dr Jasper Green (Associate Professor (Teaching) and Head of Initial Teacher Education at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society)
- Richard Gill (Chair at Teaching School Hubs Council)
Contact us
- Email: educom@parliament.uk
- Phone: 020 7219 2370 (general enquiries) | 020 7219 8895 (media enquiries)
- Address: Education Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA