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Written evidence

The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland

Total results 33 (page 1 of 2)
Unite the Union (FPC0035)
Northern Ireland Public Service Alliance (NIPSA) (FPC0033)
Northern Ireland Fiscal Council (FPC0032)
SEN Reform NI (FPC0034)
Northern Ireland Policing Board (FPC0031)
Royal College of Surgeons of England in Northern Ireland, British Medical Association (Northern Ireland), and Royal College of Nursing, Northern Ireland (FPC0030)
The Governing Bodies Association NI (GBA) (FPC0029)
The Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) (FPC0027)
Ulster Rugby (FPC0026)
British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland (FPC0025)
Northern Ireland Fiscal Council (FPC0028)
Translink (FPC0013)
Royal College of Nursing, Northern Ireland (FPC0024)
Pivotal (FPC0023)
Bar of Northern Ireland, and Law Society Northern Ireland (FPC0020)
Controlled Schools' Support Council (FPC0019)
Action Mental Health (FPC0018)
Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (FPC0017)
Total results 33 (page 1 of 2)