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E-scooters: follow-up

Non-inquiry session

The Transport Committee published a report on e-scooters in October 2020. It concluded that e-scooters have the potential to offer a low-cost, accessible and environmentally-friendly alternative to the private car, but warned that any plans for legislation should not be to the detriment of pedestrians, particularly disabled people. Since we published that report, the local trial periods for e-scooter hire schemes have been extended, and the expected legislation on this subject has not yet come forward.

The Committee plans to revisit the topic of e-scooters to catch up on findings from the ongoing trials and the progress that has been made in assessing their safety, impact on congestion and the experience of pedestrians. This follows the recent publication of the Department for Transport's e-scooter trials evaluation report.

We welcome written evidence from individuals and organisations who would like to update the Committee on lessons learned and emerging issues since our initial inquiry, about the trials or about e-scooter use in general.

You can see the written evidence received by the Committee for its previous inquiry here; we will continue to take this into account. Please note that the Committee does not consider individual cases. Please do not comment in your evidence on matters currently, or about to be, before a court of law or subject to an inquest. Contact the Committee staff if you have any queries about the evidence we can accept.

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The deadline for submissions was Wednesday 22 February 2023.

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Please note: The Transport Committee examines policy issues relating to the Department for Transport and its associated bodies. It is unable to investigate, or adjudicate on, individual cases.

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  • Phone: 020 7219 2226/ Text relay: 18001 020 2226 (general enquiries) | 020 7219 8895 (media enquiries)
  • Address: Transport Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA/ Twitter: @TransportCttee