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My Science Inquiry


The Commons Science and Technology Committee has today launched an open call for potential topics of inquiry in the areas of science and technology. ‘My Science Inquiry’ invites proposals on what the Committee should investigate next and why, including what action is needed from the Government. Up to 10 individuals will then be invited to pitch their proposal to MPs on the Committee in a public session. The winning proposal will form the basis of a new inquiry by the Committee.

The Committee seeks ideas for inquiries from the science, research and innovation communities as well as the wider public. It particularly wants to hear from members of underrepresented groups in STEM.

Previous ‘My Science’ inquiries were held in 2017 and 2019 and gathered over 160 inquiry ideas. ‘Algorithms in decision-making’ and ‘E-cigarettes’ were two inquiries taken forward from that process and completed by the predecessor Committee. The current Committee’s work on ‘Commercial genomics’ was also originally instigated by a My Science Inquiry proposal.

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