Committee invites evidence on the use of NDAs in the music industry
31 October 2023
As part of its inquiry into misogyny in the music industry, the Women and Equalities Committee is seeking to understand the extent to which non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are used specifically to silence victims.
The Committee invites written evidence from people who have signed or have experience of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) which relate to cases of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment or abuse.
During the Committee’s inquiry, MPs have been told that the use of NDAs in the music industry is widespread but examples of their use are lacking as the nature of these legal contracts would usually prevent individuals involved coming forward and sharing details.
However, Parliament’s powers of privilege mean that sharing details of an NDA with the Committee cannot be used as evidence in legal proceedings, and therefore direct legal action cannot be taken against a person for sharing the information. It would also be a potential contempt to subject a person to detriment as a consequence of providing information to Parliament.
Evidence received will not be made public, but common themes from evidence will inform the Committee’s inquiry, its final report and recommendations to government and industry.
Anyone submitting evidence to the Committee who is a party to an NDA should be aware that the NDA will remain binding and will continue to be enforceable in all other circumstances. Only the submission of the evidence to the Committee is protected by privilege.
Written evidence is sought on any or all of the following:
- The prevalence of the use of NDAs to silence victims of gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse in the music industry;
- The motivations for (a) creating and (b) signing an NDA;
- Circumstances of individual NDAs including the roles of those involved (including employment status);
- Whether efforts were made to report inappropriate behaviour before an NDA was reached; and
- Whether NDAs have been used in cases where behaviour might be criminal.
Written evidence
The Committee would welcome written submissions by 20 November. Submissions can be made through the online portal or by email.
The Committee appreciates that the information sought is likely to be sensitive. Committee staff can provide advice to anyone considering submitting evidence. Contact the Committee via email at
Further information
Image: Unsplash