Upcoming events
No upcoming events scheduled
Past events
- Helen McLachlan (Head of Marine Policy at RSPB Scotland)
- Chloe North (Manager at Western Fish Producers’ Organisation)
- Dr Bryce Stewart (Senior Lecturer, Department of Environment and Geography at University of York)
- Victoria Prentis (Minister for Farming, Fisheries and Food at Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
- Sarah Adcock (Deputy Director for Evidence, Funding & Ocean Sustainability at Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
- Barrie Deas (Chief Executive at National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations)
- Elspeth Macdonald (Chief Executive at Scottish Fisherman’s Federation)
- Hamish MacDonell (Director of Strategic Engagement at Salmon Scotland)
- Jimmy Buchan (Chief Executive at Scottish Seafood Association)
- Mark Simmonds (Director of Policy and Communications at British Ports Association)
- Simon Potten (Head of Training (Safety and Services) at Seafish)
Contact us
We can’t usually help you with an individual problem or a specific complaint.
- Email: efracom@parliament.uk
- Phone: Media enquiries: 020 7219 3138
- Address: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA