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UK Seafood Fund


This inquiry will evaluate how effectively the UK Seafood Fund will meet its stated objectives and how well the Government is delivering on the promises it has made to the fishing industry, and is intended to influence the implementation of the Fund to maximise its effectiveness.


Following a commitment made by Prime Minister in December 2020, in December 2021 the Government established the UK Seafood Fund. This is in addition to other UK funding that has replaced EU funding for the sector following Brexit.  

The Government has said that the objectives of the UK Seafood Fund are to:

  • reform and modernise infrastructure in order to ‘level up’ - and bring economic growth to - coastal communities;
  • ensure the best science, research and technology is used in fisheries management;
  • encourage new entrants to the industry, while upskilling current members; and
  • enable an environmentally sustainable fishing industry.

There will be three funding streams within the UK Seafood Fund: Science & Innovation; Infrastructure; and Skills & Training. There will also be a £1m fund to help access external markets. The application window has already opened for some elements of the UK Seafood Fund.

For more information on the UK Seafood Fund, see  

Terms of reference

1. How effectively will the UK Seafood Fund allow the Prime Minister to deliver on the promises he has made to industry such as the modernisation of fleets and the fish processing industry?

2. How can the Fund’s infrastructure investment be best used to support economic growth to coastal communities?

3. What are the key training and skills needs that the Fund should target?

4. What science and innovation developments should the Fund prioritise? How can the Government ensure the outcome of this research benefits the whole sector?

5. How could the Fund be used to improve the environmental sustainability of the fishing industry?

6. To what extent should the Fund be focused on increasing the UK's catch capacity?

7. How well is the Fund engaging with the industry?

This inquiry is no longer accepting evidence

The deadline for submissions was Tuesday 10 May 2022.

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  • Address: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA