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Sport in our communities


The Committee is seeking views on sport in our communities. The financial viability of community sports clubs is in doubt, with the future of many at risk even before the pandemic. The DCMS Committee wants to identify specific actions the Government can take to guarantee the future survival of the community sports sector. The Committee is looking into sports governance, funding and the case for elite professional sports to support the lower leagues and grassroots. 

For further details please see the inquiry's Terms of Reference.

Work news

MPs call on the Government to launch a nationwide campaign to get children active again
Covid-19 pandemic left grassroots sport organisations in ‘precarious’ financial situation
29 July 2021
Sports Minister questioned on brain injury in sport and support for grassroots sport
MPs questioned on funding and coordination of research in this area and on how Government supports grassroots sport in the pandemic
21 May 2021
Major sporting organisations questioned on managing concussion in sport
Sporting organisations responsible for supporting athletes face questions on the management of head trauma in sport.
14 May 2021
MPs to probe governance of grassroots sport and support during the pandemic
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee examines effectiveness of government funding and guidance for local sports clubs
13 April 2021
MPs to investigate threat to community sport clubs after a fall in volunteering
Committee to hold third evidence session into their inquiry on Sports in our communities
26 February 2021
MPs to hear from sector leaders on the future of gyms and sports venues
The DCMS Committee will hear how the covid-19 pandemic and Government restrictions has affected gyms, leisure centres, climbing walls and other sports venues.
7 January 2021
Academics questioned on effects of the loss of grassroots sport due to Covid-19
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee considers the immediate impacts as well as potential long-term impact of Covid-19
27 November 2020
Chair responds to announcement on outdoor grassroots sports
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee Chair responds to the Prime Minister's Covid-19 update
23 November 2020
Premier League and EFL football chiefs put on notice to end ‘current fiasco’
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee publish correspondence to Premier League and EFL
20 November 2020
What does community sport mean to you? Contribute to our inquiry
Contribute your views to the DCMS committee on what community sports means to you
12 November 2020
Premier League and EFL chiefs questiones over football rescue package negotiations
Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee investigates the broader issues surrounding the sustainability of football at a more grassroots level
5 November 2020
MPs to examine risks to survival of community sports
Committee launches new inquiry, sport in our communities
16 October 2020
Total results 12 (page 1 of 1)

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