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Oral evidence transcripts

Decarbonising heat in homes

Total results 6 (page 1 of 1)
16 November 2021
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes
Witnesses E3G, Citizens Advice, Microgeneration Certification scheme, and Climate Change Committee
Oral Evidence
20 July 2021
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes
Witnesses Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Oral Evidence
8 June 2021
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes
Witnesses Ombudsman Services, Heat Trust, Association for Decentralised Energy, National Energy Action, Committee on Climate Change, Ofgem, National Infrastructure Commission, and UK100
Oral Evidence
20 April 2021
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes
Witnesses University College London, Energy Saving Trust, E3G, and Emma Harvey (Programme Director at Coalition for the Energy Efficiency of Buildings)
Oral Evidence
16 March 2021
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes
Witnesses Vaillant Group UK Ltd, Octopus Energy, E-ON, Cadent Gas, Local Government Association, Energy Systems Catapult, Stonewater, and Energy Networks Association
Oral Evidence
9 February 2021
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes
Witnesses University of Exeter, University of Edinburgh, University College London, and Institute for Government, University of Oxford, National Grid Electricity System Operator, Western Power Distribution, SGN, and Microgeneration Certification Scheme Service Company
Oral Evidence
Total results 6 (page 1 of 1)