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EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling inquiry


Following the unprecedented numbers of migrants entering into Europe this year, the House of Lords EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee published a report calling for a more balanced humanitarian and law enforcement response in the EU's fight against migrant smuggling.

The European Commission adopted a wide-ranging European Agenda on Migration on 13 May 2015, with a view in part to addressing the current refugee crisis, the greatest humanitarian problem to have faced the European Union since its foundation.

The Committee intends that its report will inform the Commission's review of EU legislation on migrant smuggling, due to be published in 2016 along with proposed reforms.

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling - Evidence
Inquiry EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling inquiry
Response to this report
UK Government Response: EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling
Government Response
4th Report - The EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling
Inquiries EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling inquiry, and EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling inquiry
HL Paper 46

Oral evidence transcripts

View all oral evidence transcripts
16 September 2015
Inquiry EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling inquiry
Witnesses Fabrice Leggeri, Executive Director, FRONTEX, Dana Spinant, Head of Unit, Irregular Migration and Return Policy, DG HOME, EU Commission, and Richard Baumgartner, Head of External Relations, EU Affairs Team, FRONTEX.
Oral Evidence
16 September 2015
Inquiry EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling inquiry
Witnesses James Brokenshire MP, Immigration Minister, Home Office, David Smith, Deputy Director, Border Force South East and Europe Region, and Richard Quinn, Director of Criminal and Financial Investigations, Immigration Control
Oral Evidence
9 September 2015
Inquiry EU Action Plan against migrant smuggling inquiry
Witnesses Tom Dowdall, Deputy Director, Border Policing Command, National Crime Agency
Oral Evidence
International Organization For Migration (PMS0013)
Amnesty International Uk (PMS0012)
Eurojust (PMS0011)

Contact us

  • Phone: 020 7219 4911 (committee staff) | 020 7219 8535 (Press Officer)
  • Address: EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW