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Sexual harassment in the workplace inquiry


Research suggests that 40% of women and 18% of men have experienced some form of unwanted sexual behaviour in the workplace, ranging from unwelcome jokes or comments of a sexual nature to serious sexual assault. [Source: ComRes poll for the BBC]

On 31 January, the Committee heard oral evidence from experts on employment and law. We are now launching a full inquiry to consider in more depth issues covered in that session. We are inviting written evidence specifically on:

  • how widespread sexual harassment in the workplace is, and whether this has increased or decreased over time
  • who experiences sexual harassment in the workplace, who perpetrates it and what the impact is on different groups
  • actions that the Government and employers should be taking to change workplace culture to prevent sexual harassment, give people more confidence to report sexual harassment, and make this issue a higher priority for employers
  • how workers can be better protected from sexual harassment by clients, customers and other third parties
  • the effectiveness and accessibility of tribunals and other legal means of redress and what can be done to improve those processes
  • the advantages and disadvantages of using non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases, including how inappropriate use of such agreements might be tackled

This inquiry will sit alongside our related inquiry on the Sexual harassment of women and girls in public places.

Work news

Sexual harassment at work: Government responds to Committee report
Women and Equalities Committee says Government is making positive steps, but action remains a ‘missed opportunity'
18 December 2018
Sexual harassment at work: regulators need to take responsibilities more seriously
Women and Equalities Committee publishes evidence from regulatory bodies
14 October 2018
Five-point plan to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace
Women and Equalities Committee publishes report on sexual harassment in the workplace
25 July 2018
Human rights experts and Ministers questioned on sexual harassment
Women and Equalities Committee examines both of its inquiries on sexual harassment
13 June 2018
Employers questioned on sexual harassment in the workplace
Women and Equalities Committee continues inquiry into sexual harassment in the workplace
23 May 2018
Sexual harassment in the workplace: prevention and reporting methods explored
Women and Equalities Committee hears from Equality and Human Rights Commission
15 May 2018
Law and guidance on non-disclosure agreements examined
Women and Equalities Committee continues inquiry into sexual harassment in the workplace
25 April 2018
Use of non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases
Women and Equalities Committee examines the benefits and risks of NDAs
28 March 2018
Chair comments on ComRes survey on sexual harassment in Parliament
Women and Equalities Committee Chair comments on the ComRes survey for Young Women's Trust
28 February 2018
Sexual harassment in the workplace: Full inquiry launched
Women and Equalities Committee launches a full inquiry on sexual harassment in the workplace
13 February 2018
Experts questioned on sexual harassment in the workplace
Women and Equalities Committee holds one-off evidence session on sexual harassment in the workplace
24 January 2018
Total results 11 (page 1 of 1)

Contact us

We cannot help you with an individual problem or specific complaint.

  • Email:
  • Phone: (General enquiries) 020 7219 4452 / (Media enquiries) 020 7219 1725
  • Address: Committee Office, House of Commons, Palace of Westminster, SW1A 0AA