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Mental health of men and boys inquiry


Awareness of the mental health problems affecting men and boys has increased in recent years, and it is recognised as a serious issue:

  • According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), three out of four people who take their own lives are men (75%); this is the biggest cause of death for men under 50 in England and Wales
  • 12.5% of men in England are suffering from one of the common mental health disorders (NHS Digital)
  • Men are three times more likely than women to become alcohol dependent (Health and Social Care Information Centre)
  • In a survey conducted for the Men’s Health Forum, 12% of men said that the last time they took time off work to see a GP was because they were “constantly feeling stressed or under pressure” and 11% because of “prolonged feelings of sadness.”

"At a time when the Government has committed unprecedented funding for mental health, we will be looking at Government plans and what more can be done to tackle this vast – but all too often invisible – problem."