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Collective defined contribution pension schemes inquiry


The Committee invites evidence from any interested parties on any or all of the following questions:

Benefits to savers and the wider economy:

  • Would CDC deliver tangible benefits to savers compared with other models?
  • How would a continental-style collective approach work alongside individual freedom and choice?
  • Does this risk creating extra complexity and confusion? Would savers understand and trust the income ‘ambition’ offered by CDC?

Converting DB schemes to CDC:

  • Could seriously underfunded DB pension schemes be resolved by changing their pension contract to CDC, along Dutch lines?
  • How would this be regulated and how would the loss of DB pension promises to scheme members be addressed?

Regulation, governance and industry issues:

  • How would CDCs be regulated?
  • Is there appetite among employers and the UK pension industry to deliver CDC?
  • Would CDC funds have a clearer view towards investing for the long term?

Chair's comments

Rt Hon Frank Field MP, Chair of the Committee, said:

"What the Select Committee is aiming for is to retain some of the best features of company schemes in a different age when employers are no longer willing or able to sustain the burden of final salary promises to employees, who could club together and pool the risk themselves".

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  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 8976 | 020 7219 1679 (Media)
  • Address: Work and Pensions Committee | House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA