Work news
Government's approach to employment support risky, say MPs
Work and Pensions Committee publishes Government response to welfare-to-work report
8 January 2016
Government must focus support on people with complex needs
Work and Pensions Committee publishes report on government welfare-to-work programmes
21 October 2015
Committee takes evidence from the Minister for Employment
Work and Pensions Committee examines Government plans for welfare to work contracts
11 September 2015
Committee visit welfare to work providers and participants
Work and Pensions Committee visits frontline welfare-to-work providers and participants in Ramsgate
10 September 2015
Welfare-to-work inquiry launched
Work and Pensions Committee launch inquiry into DWP's contracted welfare-to-work provision
17 July 2015
Total results 5 (page 1 of 1)
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- Address: Work and Pensions Committee | House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA