Work news
Westminster Hall debate on post-study work schemes for Scotland
Scottish Affairs Committee report to be debated in Westminster Hall
2 December 2016
Government rejects calls for greater flexibility in post-study visa rules in Scotland
Scottish Affairs Committee publishes Government Response to their post-study work schemes report
28 October 2016
Chair and minister discuss post-study work schemes
Scottish Affairs Committee Chair meets Scottish Government minister to discuss work scheme progress
26 February 2016
UK Government must take post-study visa problems seriously
Scottish Affairs Committee publishes report on post-study work visas
15 February 2016
Secretary of State explains statement on post-study visas
Scottish Affairs Committee questions Rt Hon David Mundell MP, Secretary of State for Scotland
19 January 2016
Immigration Minister questioned on post-study work schemes for Scotland
Scottish Affairs Committee questions Minister and other experts on post-study work schemes for Scotland
9 December 2015
Post-study work schemes evidence in Aberdeen
Scottish Affairs Committee takes evidence from representatives from higher education, industry and trade unions
27 November 2015
Post study work schemes inquiry launched
Scottish Affairs Committee looks at case for allowing international students to stay in Scotland for post-degree work
19 November 2015
Total results 8 (page 1 of 1)
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