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Oral evidence transcripts

Universities and Scotland

Total results 7 (page 1 of 1)
25 February 2021
Inquiry Universities and Scotland
Witnesses Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland, and Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland
Oral Evidence
28 January 2021
Inquiry Universities and Scotland
Witnesses Scottish Government, Scottish Government, and Student Awards Agency Scotland
Oral Evidence
9 December 2020
Inquiry Universities and Scotland
Witnesses University of Glasgow, and Universities Scotland, University of Strathclyde, and Universities Scotland, and Abertay University, and MillionPlus, The Association for Modern Universities
Oral Evidence
25 November 2020
Inquiry Universities and Scotland
Witnesses University of Strathclyde, University of Glasgow, and University of Strathclyde
Oral Evidence
11 November 2020
Inquiry Universities and Scotland
Witnesses Scottish Funding Council, and Scottish Funding Council
Oral Evidence
21 October 2020
Inquiry Universities and Scotland
Witnesses University and College Union Scotland, and NUS Scotland
Oral Evidence
8 October 2020
Inquiry Universities and Scotland
Witnesses University of the Highlands and Islands Project, Universities Scotland, and University of Glasgow
Oral Evidence
Total results 7 (page 1 of 1)