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No-deal tariffs could be “disastrous” for Scottish agriculture, comments Chair

19 March 2019

Following an evidence session with representatives of key Scottish agriculture industries, Chair of the Scottish Affairs Committee warns of potentially disastrous consequences of no-deal tariffs for Scottish farmers.

Tariffs viewed with "trepidation"

Last week, the Government published details of the UK's temporary tariff regime for no deal as part of its technical preparations. The Scottish Affairs Committee today asked representatives of key agricultural sectors for their views on the potential impact of the tariffs on Scottish farmers. Willie Campbell, Council Member of First Milk said that the milk industry viewed the tariffs with “trepidation” and warned that the tariff regime “could be one of the most disruptive things that could happen to our [the milk] market.” Lorne Watson of the Agricultural Industries Confederation also warned of damaging effects on the arable farming sector.

Chair's comments

“We heard today that the agricultural sector is worried about the disruption the Government's no-deal tariff regime would bring, and that sectors where the Government is removing tariffs will become uncompetitive as the UK is flooded by low quality imports. Even sectors the Government has said its tariff-regime would protect are unhappy with the details proposed.

With just over a week to go, and with the consequences of no deal tariffs potentially disastrous for Scottish agriculture, the UK Government must provide additional support to Scottish industry to ensure business continuity from day one in the event of a no-deal Brexit.”

Further information 

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