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Smart meters - follow-up



The mass roll-out of smart meters is due to start in late 2015. By the end of 2020, energy suppliers must replace some 53 million existing electricity and gas meters in homes and small businesses across Great Britain. The new smart meters are intended to help consumers manage and reduce their energy consumption and reduce the costs of supplying and delivering their energy. The Department of Energy & Climate Change (the Department) estimates the Smart Meters Programme (the Programme) will cost £10.9 billion and bring economic benefits of £17.1 billion, adding an average of £6 a year to consumer bills in 2015, but subsequently delivering savings which will average £43 a year by 2030.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change produced a progress update report for the Committee in March 2014 on the Smart Metering implementation programme and how it has addressed the Committee’s January 2012 recommendations. This follow-up inquiry will allow the Committee to explore progress on the Programme and risks to its successful delivery. There are risks to readiness for the start of roll-out and the ability to install meters in all homes, the costs of the Programme, and whether consumers will make savings in the long-term.

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