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Transforming courts and tribunals: progress review inquiry


In 2016, HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) launched a programme of reforms intended to reduce complexity and modernise the justice system. In July 2018, the Committee published a report into the initial stages of the programme. The Committee was critical of HMCTS and the Ministry of Justice, in particular the Committee expressed concerns about the scale and speed of the reforms and the ability of stakeholders to engage in, and influence the process. The Committee also concluded that further work was needed on the evaluating the impact and financial implications of the changes.

Based on the National Audit Office’s recent report, the PAC will look at the progress made to date.

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
2nd Report - Transforming Courts and Tribunals: progress review
Inquiry Transforming courts and tribunals: progress review inquiry
HC 27

Oral evidence transcripts

View all oral evidence transcripts
16 October 2019
Inquiry Transforming courts and tribunals: progress review inquiry
Witnesses Sir Richard Heaton, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice, Susan Acland-Hood, Chief Executive, and Richard Goodman, Change Director, HM Courts and Tribunals Service.
Oral Evidence
7 October 2019
Inquiry Transforming courts and tribunals: progress review inquiry
Witnesses Penelope Gibbs, Director, Transform Justice, Nimrod Ben-Cnaan, Head of Policy and Profile, Law Centres Network, Richard Miller, Head of Justice, The Law Society, Samuel Townend, Member of Legal Services Committee, The Bar Council
Oral Evidence
Magistrates Association (CTR0002)
Equality and human rights commission (CTR0003)
Transform Justice (CTR0001)

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