Work news

Westminster Hall Debate: An Air Transport Strategy For Northern Ireland
20 June 2013

Committee to publish Government Response to air transport report
7 February 2013

An air transport strategy for Northern Ireland: follow up
7 January 2013

Air transport strategy for Northern Ireland report published
30 November 2012

Committee publish report: An air transport strategy for Northern Ireland
22 November 2012

Air transport strategy oral evidence 24 October
18 October 2012

Willie Walsh, Ryanair and easyJet questioned on air transport strategy
6 September 2012

MPs question Northern Ireland ministers on an air transport strategy
4 July 2012

Northern Ireland Affairs Committee to question Theresa Villiers
14 June 2012

Air transport strategy for Northern Ireland evidence continues
6 June 2012

Unite to give evidence to Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
21 May 2012

Committee take further evidence on air strategy for Northern Ireland
3 May 2012

Committee take evidence on an air strategy for Northern Ireland
18 April 2012

Committee inquire into an air transport strategy for Northern Ireland
23 March 2012
Total results 14 (page 1 of 1)
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