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Bailiffs: Enforcement of debt inquiry


The Committee are inquiring into the enforcement of debt by bailiffs (also known as enforcement agents) in England and Wales. The Committee wishes to understand the impact of the 2014 enforcement agent reforms introduced by the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, and whether improvements should be made.

Terms of Reference

The Justice Committee has agreed to carry out an inquiry into the enforcement of debt by bailiffs (also known as enforcement agents) in England and Wales.

The Committee will investigate the following topics:

  • What was the impact of the 2014 enforcement agent reforms introduced by the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007?
  • Why has there been an increase in complaints regarding enforcement agents?
  • Is the fee structure working to encourage enforcement agents and debtors to settle at an early stage and to minimise the financial impact on debtors?
  • Does the current system of self-regulation work as intended, and if not, should enforcement agents by regulated by an independent regulator?

The inquiry will focus on High Court and Civil Enforcement officers.

The Ministry of Justice is carrying out its own call for evidence into the 2014 enforcement agent reforms. Their call for evidence runs to 17 February 2019. In order to avoid duplication, the Justice Committee is not publishing a call for written evidence.

Further information

If you have questions about this inquiry please contact the inquiry manager, Fiona Hoban (