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Bangladesh, Burma and the Rohingya follow-up inquiry


This session updated the Committee on the situation for the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh during the monsoon season and for the Rohingya still in Burma. The Committee questioned the Minister on the international Community's long-term plans for the Rohingya.

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12 September 2018
Inquiry Bangladesh, Burma and the Rohingya follow-up inquiry
Witnesses George Graham, Director of Conflict and Humanitarian Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns, Orlaith Minogue, Conflict and Humanitarian Advocacy Adviser, Save the Children, and Tun Khin, President, Burmese Rohingya Organisation; Rt Hon Alistair Burt MP, Minister of State for the Department for International Development and Minister of State for the Middle East at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Gail Marzetti, Head of DFID Burma, Department for International Development, and Kate White, Director of Asia Pacific, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (at 2.30pm).
Oral Evidence

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