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DFID's Asssistance to Zimbabwe


The International Development Committee announced an inquiry into DFID's Assistance to Zimbabwe on 1 December 2009.


The Committee published its final Report on 26 March 2010. See Chairman's Comments for further detail.

Government Response

The Government's Response was published on 8 July 2010.

Terms of reference

The Department for International Development (DFID) spent £50 million in Zimbabwe in 2008-09 and has allocated £60 million for 2009-10, making it one of the country’s three largest donors. DFID does not provide direct funding to the Government of Zimbabwe but 65% of its budget is allocated to support delivery of basic services.

DFID’s assistance to Zimbabwe is focused on: livelihoods and growth; health, including HIV/AIDS; supporting orphans and other vulnerable children; emergency water and sanitation; and governance and economic reform.

Zimbabwe is showing signs of economic recovery, and there has been some improvement from the very poor humanitarian situation which the country has experienced, which included food shortages and a cholera epidemic earlier this year. However, it is predicted that nearly 3 million Zimbabweans will need food aid this year.

The Committee plans to conduct an inquiry into DFID’s assistance to Zimbabwe. The issues which the inquiry will address include:

  • how DFID works with other donors, multilateral agencies and NGOs to deliver assistance;
  • DFID’s contribution to the provision of humanitarian aid;
  • the effectiveness of DFID’s support for delivery of basic services;
  • the impact of DFID’s funding for health and HIV, and its support for orphans and vulnerable children;
  • strategies for rural development;
  • prospects for a closer development relationship between DFID and the Government of Zimbabwe;
  • Zimbabwe’s relations with its regional neighbours and their impact on economic recovery and development.

Written evidence

The written evidence submitted to the inquiry can be accessed via the TSO Parliamentary Publications page.

Oral Evidence

The transcripts of oral evidence for this inquiry can be accessed via the TSO Parliamentary Publications page.


26 January 2010

  • Mr Donald Steinberg, Deputy President (Policy), International Crisis Group; Professor Teddy Brett, Associate Programme Director, London School of Economics; and Dr Steve Kibble, Zimbabwe Europe Network
  • Mr Rob Rees, Africa Advocacy Co-ordinator, CAFOD; Mr William Anderson, Country Manager Zimbabwe, Christian Aid; and Mr Justin Byworth, Chief Executive, World Vision

23 February 2010

  • Mr Gareth Thomas MP, Minister of State, and Mr Mark Lowcock, Director General, Country Programmes, Department for International Development, and Mr John Dennis, Head of Zimbabwe Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

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