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Oral evidence transcripts

Gangs and youth crime

Total results 5 (page 1 of 1)
20 January 2015
Inquiry Gangs and youth crime
Witnesses Rt Hon Lynne Featherstone MP, Minister of State for Crime Prevention
Oral Evidence
25 November 2014
Inquiry Gangs and youth crime
Witnesses Detective Chief Inspector Debbie Dooley, Xcalibre Task Force & Integrated Gang Management Unit, Greater Manchester Police; John Poyton, Chief Executive, Redthread Youth Limited, and Dr Emer Sutherland, Consultant Emergency Physician, Clinical Lead for Emergency Medicine, King’s College Hospital
Oral Evidence
14 October 2014
Inquiry Gangs and youth crime
Witnesses Dr Charlie Howard, MAC-UK, and Lorraine Khan, Centre for Mental Health
Oral Evidence
8 July 2014
Inquiry Gangs and youth crime
Witnesses Carol Davies, Catch22 Dawes Unit, Tom Sackville, Catch22 Dawes Unit, Junior Smart, St Giles Trust, SOS Project, and Antoinette Harriott, St Giles Trust, SOS Project
Oral Evidence
10 June 2014
Inquiry Gangs and youth crime
Witnesses Edward Boyd, Deputy Policy Director, Centre for Social Justice and Sheldon Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Gangsline.
Oral Evidence
Total results 5 (page 1 of 1)