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Public expenditure on health and care services


1. In 2010 the Committee conducted an inquiry into the consequences for both health and social care of the 2010 Spending Review. The Committee concluded that both sectors would need to make unprecedented efficiency gains if services were to be maintained and even improved.

2. In 2011 the Committee undertook an inquiry into Public expenditure in health and social care, which reported in January 2012. The report reviewed the progress in the health and care system towards meeting the Nicholson Challenge. The Committee concluded that “the Nicholson Challenge can only be achieved by making fundamental changes to the way that care is delivered”.

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  • Phone: (general enquiries) 020 7219 6182 | 020 7219 3138 (media enquiries)
  • Address: Health and Social Care Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA