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National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)


The Committee looked at the work of NICE, in particular at:

  • NICE’s role in relation to evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of drugs and other clinical interventions (through medical technology appraisals) including how its role will be affected by the intended introduction of value-based pricing for drugs purchased by the NHS
  • The role of NICE Quality Standards in the new NHS system architecture, in particular the status of NICE guidelines in determination of commissioning priorities
  • The continuing role of NICE clinical guidelines (on treatment for specific conditions) in improving the quality of healthcare, in particular in the context of analysis of effectiveness of established treatment procedures and review of variations of outcome
  • The effect of the new public health system architecture on NICE’s continued role in respect of public health guidance
  • What effect NICE’s new responsibilities in relation to evaluating social care interventions might have on its work overall and how this will relate to the integration of health and social care services

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