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Prison healthcare inquiry


The inquiry explored the effectiveness of prisons and prison healthcare services in meeting the physical and mental health, and social care, needs of prisoners

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
12th Report - Prison health
Inquiry Prison healthcare inquiry
HC 963
Response to this report
Government Response to the Committee's twelfth Report: Prison health
CP 4
Government Response
Correspondence from the National Prison Health Care Board, relating to the Committee’s Twelfth Report of Session 2017–19, 9 October 2019
Inquiry Prison healthcare inquiry
Correspondence from HMI Prisons and CQC relating to the prison health report
Inquiry Prison healthcare inquiry
Correspondence from the Co-Chair of National Prison Healthcare Board regarding prison health
Inquiry Prison healthcare inquiry

Oral evidence transcripts

View all oral evidence transcripts
3 July 2018
Inquiry Prison healthcare inquiry
Witnesses Sean Cox, Head of Development, User Voice, Hazel Alcraft, Development Officer – Health, Clinks, Stuart Ware, Chief Executive Officer, RestoreRebecca Roberts, Head of Policy, INQUEST, Elizabeth Moody, Acting Prisons and Probation OmbudsmanProfessor Steve Field, Chief Inspector of General Practice, and, Jan Fooks-Bale, Health & Justice Inspection Manager, Care Quality Commission, and Peter Clarke, Chief Inspector of Prisons, Paul Tarbuck, former Head of Healthcare Inspection, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons
Oral Evidence
10 July 2018
Inquiry Prison healthcare inquiry
Witnesses Frances Crook OBE, Chief Executive, Howard League for Penal Reform, Dr Jake Hard, Chair, Royal College of General Practitioners Secure Environments Group, Ryan Harman, Advice & Information Service Manager, Prison Reform TrustJackie Doyle-Price MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Mental Health and Inequalities, Department of Health and Social Care, Kate Davies OBE, Director of Health & Justice, Armed Forces and Sexual Assault Services Commissioning, NHS England, Dr Éamonn O’Moore, National Lead for Health and Justice, Public Health England, Edward Argar MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice, Digby Griffith, Director of Commissioning and Executive Director of Rehabilitation and Assurance, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service
Oral Evidence
The College of Podiatry (PRH0061)
Serco, HMP Thameside (PRH0059)
Revolving Doors Agency (PRH0060)

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  • Address: Health and Social Care Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA