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NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals inquiry


Following its report last year on Integrated care: organisations, partnerships and systems the Health and Social Care Committee has decided to scrutinise the legislative proposals put forward to support the implementation of the NHS Long-term Plan. Pre-legislative scrutiny of this kind aims to enhance the quality of legislation brought before the House.

The Committee’s inquiry will be conducted in two phases. The first phase will focus on the detailed proposals published by NHS England and NHS Improvement on Thursday 28 February, with oral evidence scheduled to take place during April 2019. Full details of the proposals are available online.

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
15th Report - NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals
Inquiry NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals inquiry
HC 2000
Correspondence from NHS England and NHS Improvement relating to the Getting it Right First Time Programme, 17 June 2019
Inquiry NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals inquiry

Oral evidence transcripts

View all oral evidence transcripts
30 April 2019
Inquiry NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals inquiry
Witnesses David Hare, Chief Executive, Independent Healthcare Providers Network, Professor Sue Richards, Executive Committee Member, Keep Our NHS Public, Andrew Taylor, former Director of Cooperation and Competition Panel for NHS-funded services, Dr Graham Winyard, former Chief Medical Officer for NHS in EnglandSara Gorton, Head of Health, UNISON, Dame Donna Kinnair, Chief Executive and General Secretary, Royal College of Nursing, Rob Harwood, Chair, BMA Consultants Committee, Dr Clare Gerada
Oral Evidence
1 May 2019
Inquiry NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals inquiry
Witnesses Christian Dingwall, Partner, Browne Jacobson LLP, Sharon Lamb, Partner, McDermott Will and Emery, David Lock, Landmark ChambersCharlotte Augst, Chief Executive, National Voices, Sir Robert Francis, Chair, Healthwatch, Professor Jo Pritchard, Consultant - Health and Social Care, Social Enterprise UK, Beth Capper, Head of Programmes, Richmond Group
Oral Evidence
23 April 2019
Inquiry NHS Long-term Plan: legislative proposals inquiry
Witnesses Dr Amanda Doyle, Chief Officer, Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria, Prof Chris Ham, Chair, Coventry and Warwickshire STP, Patricia Hewitt, Chair, Norfolk and Waveney STP, Jon Rouse, Chief Officer, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care PartnershipJulie Wood, Chief Executive, NHS Clinical Commissioners, Chris Hopson, Chief Executive, NHS Providers, Niall Dickson, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation, Sarah Pickup, Deputy Chief Executive, Local Government Association
Oral Evidence
NHS Providers (NLN0063)
Dr Graham Winyard (NLN0056)

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