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Suicide prevention inquiry


Follow-up report

The Government has published a progress report on its suicide prevention strategy but it must take tangible action to ensure effective implementation. So says the Health Committee in its final report on suicide prevention.

Interim report

The Government must prioritise a clear implementation strategy and increase support for public mental health and early intervention services if it is to bring down the unacceptable suicide rate, says the Health Committee in its interim report into suicide prevention.

The Health Committee decided to undertake an inquiry into the action which is necessary to improve suicide prevention in England.When someone takes their own life, the effect on their family, friends and the wider community is devastating. The Government published Preventing Suicide in England: A cross-governmental outcomes strategy to save lives, in 2012, and two updates have been published since (in 2014 and 2015 (PDF 482KB)). The Health Committee seeks to examine what further action should be taken to prevent suicide.