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Residential children's homes


The Education Committee has announces an inquiry into the Government's proposals with regard to Residential children's homes as set out by the Department for Education on 23 April 2013. Whether the DfE’s proposed reforms to the regulation of residential children’s homes are appropriate and sufficient, whether the reforms are likely to prove effective or further measures are needed.

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
6th Report - Residential Children's Homes
Inquiry Residential children's homes
HC 716

Oral evidence transcripts

View all oral evidence transcripts
8 January 2014
Inquiry Residential children's homes
Witnesses Dr Maggie Atkinson, Children's Commissioner for England, Luke Rodgers, and Adam John Wood, Care leavers; Edward Timpson MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Education (at 10.30 am).
Oral Evidence
27 November 2013
Inquiry Residential children's homes
Witnesses Superintendent Laurence Taylor, Sussex Police, Chief Constable Patrick Geenty, Wiltshire Police, Association of Chief Police Officers lead on missing people, Jane Booth, Independent Chair, Rochdale Borough Safeguarding Children Board, and Iryna Pona, Policy Adviser, Children’s Society; Kamran Abassi, Service Development Director, Advanced Childcare, Andrew Webb, President, Association of Directors of Children's Services and Corporate Director, Services for People, Stockport Council, and Tim Parlow, Senior LAC/SEN Category Manager, North London Strategic Alliance (at 10.30 am).
Oral Evidence
6 November 2013
Inquiry Residential children's homes
Witnesses Dr Roger Morgan, Children's Rights Director, Office of the Children’s Rights Director, Richard Servian, member, British Association of Social Workers, and Tom Rahilly, Head of Strategy and Development for Looked After Children, NSPCC; Councillor Robert Light, Deputy Chair, Local Government Association, Jonathan Stanley, Chief Executive Officer, Independent Children’s Homes Association, Lisa Pascoe, Senior Her Majesty’s Inspector, Ofsted, and Claire Dorer, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Independent Schools and Non-Maintained Special Schools (at 10.30 am).
Oral Evidence
Local Government Association (Lga) (RCH0026)
Department For Education (RCH0031)
Department For Education (RCH0030)

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