On Wednesday 6 March, the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee will hold a one-off session on the triennial legislative review published by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO). Giving evidence will be Michael King, Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, and Rishi Sunak MP, Minister for Local Government.
The session will examine the recommendations put forward in the triennial review, which cover changes within the LGSCO’s existing legislative framework, as well as within the context of legislating for a new Public Service Ombudsman (PSO). These recommendations cover changes to the Ombudsmen’s powers, jurisdictions and governance structures.
A draft PSO Bill was published in December 2016, which abolishes the LGSCO and the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and creates a new PSO, which would take over their responsibilities. The Committee will investigate plans for the draft Bill, as well as the other recommendations made in the LGSCO’s triennial review.