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Past events
- Chloe Smith MP (Minister of State (Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work) at Department for Work and Pensions)
- Gill Holmes (Contract Management and Partner Delivery Director at Department for Work and Pensions)
- Katie Farrington (Director General for Disability, Health and Pensions at Department for Work and Pensions)
- Ben Macpherson MSP (Minister for Social Security and Local Government at Scottish Government)
- Matthew Duff (Disability Benefits Policy Manager at Scottish Government)
- Professor Paul Knight OBE (Chief Officer Health and Social Care Operations at Social Security Scotland)
- Rt Hon Dr Thérèse Coffey (Secretary of State at Department for Work and Pensions)
- Peter Schofield (Permanent Secretary at Department for Work and Pensions)
- Professor Ben Barr (Professor in Applied Public Health Research at University of Liverpool)
- Dr Ben Baumberg Geiger (Reader in Sociology and Social Policy at University of Kent)
- Stuart Paterson (Client Executive Partner at Independent Assessment Services)
- Dr Barrie McKillop (Clinical Director at Independent Assessment Services)
- Antony King (Managing Director and Client Partner of Capita Health & Welfare at Capita)
- Laura Erskine (Occupational Therapist in Forensic Mental Health at Capita)
- Emma-Jane Bannister (Customer Director at Maximus)
- Suzie Frew (Lead Nurse and Head of Quality at Maximus)
- Dr Paul Williams (UK Division President at Maximus)
Contact us
We can’t usually help you with an individual problem or a specific complaint.
- Email: workpencom@parliament.uk
- Phone: 020 7219 8976 | 020 7219 1679 (Media)
- Address: Work and Pensions Committee | House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA