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Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management


This inquiry looked at how the Health and Safety Executive manages the continued presence of asbestos in buildings.

The Committee found out about the current risks posed by asbestos in the workplace, the groups of people who are most affected, and how well the current laws and regulations for the management of asbestos are working.

Read the call for evidence to find out more about the inquiry.

This inquiry is no longer accepting evidence

The deadline for submissions was Friday 17 September 2021.

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
Sixth Report - The Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management
Inquiry Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management
HC 560
Response to this report
The Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management: Government Response to the Committee’s Sixth Report of Session 2021–22
HC 633
Special Report
The Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management: Government Response to the Committee’s Sixth Report of Session 2021–22
Inquiry Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management
HC 633
Special Report
Correspondence with the Health and Safety Executive related to their approach to asbestos management
Inquiry Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management
HC 560

Oral evidence transcripts

View all oral evidence transcripts
2 February 2022
Inquiry Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management
Witnesses Sarah Albon (Chief Executive at Health and Safety Executive (HSE)), Professor Andrew Curran (Chief Scientific Officer at Health and Safety Executive (HSE)), and Chloe Smith MP (Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work at Department for Work and Pensions)
Oral Evidence
17 November 2021
Inquiry Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management
Witnesses Prof. Thomas Kuhlbusch (Head of Hazardous Substances Management at The Federal Institute for Occupational Hygiene and Health (BAuA), Germany), Prof. Alex Burdorf (Head of Department of Public Health at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Nicolas Bessot (Head of the Office of Chemical, Physical, Biological and Occupational Diseases at Ministry of Labour, Employment and Integration, France), and Charles Pickles (Asbestos campaigner at The Airtight on Asbestos Campaign)
Oral Evidence
17 November 2021
Inquiry Health and Safety Executive’s approach to asbestos management
Witnesses Gill Reed (Technical Adviser at The Joint Union Asbestos Committee), Tony Hood (National Head of Asbestos Strategy at Thompsons Solicitors), Joanne Gordon (Chair at The Asbestos Victims Support Groups’ Forum UK), and Liz Darlison (Chief Executive Officer at Mesothelioma UK)
Oral Evidence
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (ASB0049)
Robin Howie Associates (ASB0048)
Prof. Alex Burdorf (ASB0047)

Other publications

No other publications published.

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  • Phone: 020 7219 8976 | 020 7219 1679 (Media)
  • Address: Work and Pensions Committee | House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA