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Social care: funding and workforce


The reopened Social care: funding and workforce inquiry seeks to establish how much extra money would need to be spent by government in each of the next five years to counteract the impact of a shortage of care on the NHS. Shortages in the social care workforce and what solutions need to be found to address changes in the years ahead will also be considered.

The inquiry was paused in March to allow the committee to focus its efforts on the crisis posed by the outbreak of the coronavirus. In addition to the previously announced Terms of Reference, the inquiry will also consider what further reforms are needed to the long-term social care funding system.

Terms of reference:

  • What impact is the current social care funding situation having on the NHS and on people who need social care? 
  • What level of funding is required in each of the next five years to address this?
  • What is the extent of current workforce shortages in social care, how will they change over the next five years, and how do they need to be addressed? 
  • What further reforms are needed to the social care funding system in the long term?


Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
Third Report - Social care: funding and workforce
Inquiry Social care: funding and workforce
HC 206
Response to this report
Social care: funding and workforce: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2019-21
Government Response
Letter to the Minister of State for Care on Social care: funding and workforce
Inquiry Social care: funding and workforce
Letter from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on SignHealth
Inquiry Social care: funding and workforce

Oral evidence transcripts

View all oral evidence transcripts
8 September 2020
Inquiry Social care: funding and workforce
Oral Evidence
14 July 2020
Inquiry Social care: funding and workforce
Oral Evidence
23 June 2020
Inquiry Social care: funding and workforce
Oral Evidence
Ms Leah Miller (Senior Public Affairs Officer at The British Medical Association) (SCF0039)
United Kingdom Homecare Association (SCF0107)
The Health Foundation (SCF0113)

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  • Email:
  • Phone: (general enquiries) 020 7219 6182 | 020 7219 6832 (media enquiries)
  • Address: Health and Social Care Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA