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1 March 2022 - UK energy supply and investment - Oral evidence

Committee Economic Affairs Committee
Inquiry UK energy supply and investment

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 3:00pm (public)

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Economic Affairs Committee to hold next oral evidence sessions on UK energy supply and investment

On Tuesday 1 March at 3pm, the Economic Affairs Committee will hold its next evidence sessions on UK energy supply and investment. At 3pm, the Committee will hear from Christophe McGlade, Head of the Energy Supply Unit, International Energy Agency and Catharina Hillenbrand Von Der Neyen, Head of Research, Carbon Tracker. At 4pm, the Committee will hear from Mike Tholen, Sustainability Director, Offshore Energies UK and Dr Nina Skorupska, Chief Executive, Renewable Energy Association.

The committee’s inquiry is investigating if the Government’s energy strategy is delivering investment in an energy supply that is resilient, affordable and in line with achieving net zero emissions. The focus of this inquiry is on long-term energy policy and trends in the energy market.

Meeting details

At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry UK energy supply and investment
Head of the Energy Supply Unit at International Energy Agency
Head of Research at Carbon Tracker Initiative
At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry UK energy supply and investment
Director of Sustainability at Offshore Energy
Chief Executive at Renewable Energy Association

Likely questions

Topics the committee is likely to cover in these sessions include:

  • Creation of competitive markets to drive down the cost of renewable energy.
  • Government support for the technologies needed for a secure and affordable transition.
  • Dependency of the financial sector, including major asset managers, on fossil fuel investment and financing.
  • Role of central banks in the transition to net zero.
  • International security of supply.
  • Most promising emerging renewable technologies.


These evidence sessions will be streamed live on Parliament TV


Room 3, Palace of Westminster

How to attend