Industry experts questioned on the movement of creative professionals
The House of Lords European Affairs Committee holds a one-off evidence session with industry experts on the movement of creative professionals between the UK and EU after the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.
Meeting details
The UK creative industries sector contributes a significant amount to the UK economy, and within this sector music contributes £5.8 billion and employs over 100,000 people. The music sector is particularly reliant on cross-border touring, as has been emphasised in a report by the House of Lords EU Services Sub-Committee, “Beyond Brexit: trade in services”.
The provisions of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement governing the movement of independent professionals and short-term business visitors exclude many of those working in the creative industries. In addition to this each EU member state has a different set of rules for creative professionals to navigate, resulting in an increased burden of bureaucracy on creative professionals working across borders.
On 9 June 2021, the Committee received a letter from Lord Frost, Minister of State at the Cabinet Office, setting out the Government’s approach to the issue of touring performers during the negotiations on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
The Committee is holding a one-off session to investigate the impact that the Trade and Cooperation Agreement has had on the UK creative industry and the movement of creative professionals.
Topics for discussion include:
- How is touring affected by new barriers to the temporary movement of people and goods?
- Are additional negotiations needed with the EU or bilaterally with Member States to address barriers to the movement of creative professionals?
- To what extend can the problems affecting the sector be addressed domestically on a unilateral basis?
- Are there any post-Brexit opportunities for the sector?
Further information